Saturday, 05 December 2015 00:27

Do You Have a Fitness-Friendly Kitchen?

When most people think about organizing themselves to make sure they are promoting the most fitness, they think about putting their running shoes out where they'll see them and setting reminders on their smartphones to hit the gym. However, fitness isn't just a matter of completing workouts. Sure, that's a big part of it, but what you eat also plays an important role. And having a fitness-friendly kitchen can help you eat right. 

If you eat only fast food and drink only soda, then it doesn't matter how many times you go to the gym, you won't be achieving your best possible level of fitness – or overall health, for that matter. So if you're wondering what else you can do to give yourself an advantage toward better health and fitness, your next step may be in the organization of your kitchen.

The following are some interesting ways to reorganize to get the most healthful and fitness-friendly kitchen results:

Get the food clutter off your counters – it is very common for foods that are used on a regular basis to be stored right there on the countertop. Common foods include cookies (in the box or in a cute cookie jar) and breakfast cereal. However, studies show that people who keep food stored in a visible place in their kitchen tend to way considerably more than those who don't.
Choose kitchenware that is designed plainly – as much as those cute kitchen tool designs – like spatulas that look like cupcakes and oven mitts with birthday cakes all over them – might be adorable, recent studies have shown that people who use this type of kitchen tool will serve far more food than those who don't. The study showed that when a doll-shaped ice cream scooper was used, 22 percent more ice cream was served than was the case when a plan scooper was used.
Keep healthful foods out front – want to eat more healthful snacks? Put them within reach and use them to cover up the less healthful options. When you want to make sure you're eating lots of muscle building protein instead of fueling up on fatty and sugary treats, then get those snacks ready and put them right out within reach. Then, when you're back from a run and you're looking for something to chow down on to beat those powerful post-workout munchies, you'll always reach for the best options.

Have a good look at your kitchen and think about the type of things it's trying to say. Is it telling you to live a healthful lifestyle that will boost your workout success, or is it telling you to grab that bag of chips and hang out on the couch all night? If you know it's the latter, whip it into fitness-friendly kitchen shape! 

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