Monday, 14 January 2019 00:00

Why Deep Snow Can Be a Training Advantage

Deep snow is often seen as a barrier to exercising. If the snow on sidewalks is up above your ankles, it's usually an excuse to stay inside. If the snow is deep on the roads, you sure don't want to drive over to the gym, it's too dangerous. While you could work out inside, it's much more tempting to curl up on the couch and watch a movie.

If you want to stay in shape while the weather's bad, there's a new attitude for you to adopt when you see deep snow: fun and fitness! After all, as long as you have the right warm clothes and a good pair of boots, nothing is stopping you from heading out in the snow. You don't need cross country skis or snow shoes (though they do make things a lot of fun).

Boots and the right outdoor weather clothing (and possibly an energizing fitness supplement like this one) is all you need. Get bundled up and head out to go for a brisk walk on the sidewalks around your neighborhood. You'll be surprised at the workout you get. If the snow is very deep and shifts under your feet, all the better.

After all, many people head to the beach to run because the shifting sand gives their body a much better workout. With snow on your sidewalk, you have the exact same advantage right outside your house. Get moving and try to cover as much distance as you can within a half hour. Depending on the type of snow on your sidewalk, you may soon discover that you have quite the challenging workout ahead of you.

Allow yourself to enjoy the challenge instead of thinking of it as an unpleasant battle. After all, you're not trying to get to work on time. You're out there for the specific purpose of exercising.

The crisp fresh air will do you a lot of good at the same time that you chug along down the sidewalk. You might find that if you can get a buddy to go with you, you're likely to laugh more because of the surprising challenges you'll face together walking down those everyday sidewalks that are usually very easy to traverse.

You may also discover that it takes far less distance to get a great workout for a half hour and that when you get home, you'll have worked up quite a sweat. Even if you started your walk feeling a little cold, all that exercise will have thoroughly warmed you up by the time you get home again!

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