Sunday, 19 September 2021 00:00

Great Pilates Moves to Tone Your Body and Feel Fantastic

Pilates is a wonderful way to tone your body at a level that is available to just about anyone, as it is always possible to make it more or less challenging, depending on your fitness level. Unlike many of the more “traditional” moves, such as squats, which can be too difficult for some people or that can be too hard on the joints of others, Pilates can offer options that will be achievable and that will still bring on some body-tastic results.

Top Pilates Moves for Working Your Whole Body

The key is to try to do these moves a few times a week (ideally three times per week, with a day of rest in between each day that you do them), and to challenge yourself without pushing yourself too hard. Each of these moves is designed to target your core muscles, including your abs, back, and obliques. This will help to promote healthy, lean muscles and improved toning.

The Hundred

  • Equipment needed: Yoga mat
  • How to do the hundred: This move is at the very heart of pretty much every Pilates workout. In fact, many instructors us it to get their sessions started, since it’s great for warming you up and getting your blood pumping. Moreover, it can be adapted to be less demanding – with legs straight up in the air or at a tabletop position – or more challenging – with legs on a straight diagonal, with the challenge increasing the smaller the angle with the floor. Start by lying on your back with your legs drawn into your chest, holding onto them with your arms, and curling your head up to your chest. Then, send your legs out to the desired position (straight up, tabletop, or straight diagonal), hold the back of your thighs, and curl up with an active core, hollowing your abs. If this is too difficult, rest your head on the floor with your neck straight. Hover your arms parallel to the floor and start pumping them up and down by about 6 to 8 inches. Inhale for five counts and exhale for five, repeating 10 times (to make 100).

The Roll-Back

  • Equipment needed: Pilates ball, yoga mat
  • How to do the roll-back: Sit with your legs in front of you, bent at the knee. Set the Pilates ball behind you at the very base of your spine and lean back against it with your arms extended straight out in front of you. Your palms should be facing down, and your core muscles should be engaged. Don’t forget to breathe in the following pattern: inhale as you open your arms out to the side and exhale as you bring them back together again. If this is too challenging, rest your feet down lightly on the mat, keeping your abs engaged, and repeat the same steps until you can build up your core strength. Aim for 5 to 15 reps.

Double-Leg Extension

  • Equipment needed: Pilates block, yoga mat.
  • How to do the double-leg extension: Lie flat on your back with a yoga block beneath the base of your spine at the level of your tailbone. Bring your legs up with your knees bent, raising them toward your chest. Leave your arms relaxed at your sides. Don’t forget to breathe in the following pattern: inhale as you extend your legs and raise them up on a diagonal. Exhale as you bend your knees and lower your legs back toward your chest. If this is too challenging, raise your legs so that they are straight up in the air, instead of extended diagonally. Aim for 5 to 15 reps.

Ready to Get Started with New Pilates Moves?

If you’re ready to start with whole body Pilates moves, as listed above, remember that form is exceptionally important. It’s better to do these exercises properly than to do more challenging versions of them or to do them longer. Accuracy is the name of the game. Check out the video below to see how many moves can be combined into a complete workout.



As you build more strength, choose the more challenging version and then increase the number of reps that you complete for each of these Pilates moves. There’s no rush. It isn’t a race, but always make sure your workout is challenging you.

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