Gaia Yoga, formerly known as Gaiam TV, has been a well-known top brand for decades. They’ve been recognized for affordable and yet reliable quality yoga mats, DVDs, accessories, clothing and more. Recently, they expanded their offerings to include streaming video.

Yoga Workout Videos

Written by : CCF 11 October 2022
For many people, the best way to get started with yoga is to take a class.  If you’re already experienced with yoga or don’t have the time or motivation to attend a class on a regular basis, videos give you the perfect opportunity to keep up with the workouts on your own time.

Pilates Workout Videos

Written by : CCF 11 October 2022
The internet is exploding with Pilates workout videos.  Sure, lots of them are great, but (yes, there’s always a “but”) which one is right for what you want and need?  They’re not all the same, after all.  That’s why there are so very many of them.  Each one has a different instructor, difficulty level, routine, goal and style.The key is to make sure you find the right one for what you want from the experience.  Use some of the following…
Yoga poses for bad posture due to a desk job are becoming increasingly popular.  In fact, there are entire classes and videos dedicated to posture through various carefully selected asanas.  After all, working at a desk is a daily lifestyle for millions of people every day.
Yoga is a wonderful practice to help both your physical and mental health, but you may wonder whether or not it can help you to lose weight. The short answer is that a regular yoga practice, all on its own, likely won’t have a direct impact on measurable fat loss. Still, like a great diet pill like FASTCUT, it can provide your overall strategy with meaningful support.

Top 5 Yoga Workout Plans You Can Do at Home

Written by : CCF 11 October 2022
There are times when your days are so packed that you don’t know what to do with yourself. This can make it very challenging to try to fit a yoga class into your life. The classes happen whether you’re there or not and it isn’t always easy to attend. This can be a waste of money and will only bring on feelings of guilt for failing to meet your workout goals.
Aerial yoga is a gorgeous new way to add something new to your routine. If you haven’t heard of it, you’re in for a treat. Think about your favorite yoga workout pose. Now imagine how that same pose would feel if you were holding it while a piece of fabric held you in the air!

Yoga Poses to Undo Bad Posture Due to a Desk Job

Written by : CCF 01 September 2022
Yoga poses for bad posture due to a desk job are becoming increasingly popular.  In fact, there are entire classes and videos dedicated to posture through various carefully selected asanas.  After all, working at a desk is a daily lifestyle for millions of people every day. A lot of us work at desks all day long, whether we are designing something artistic, editing video footage, writing, or keeping things organized for our boss. When we get home, we go on…

Yoga Workout Videos

Written by : CCF 01 September 2022
For many people, the best way to get started with yoga is to take a class.  If you’re already experienced with yoga or don’t have the time or motivation to attend a class on a regular basis, videos give you the perfect opportunity to keep up with the workouts on your own time.

Pilates Workout Videos

Written by : CCF 01 September 2022
The internet is exploding with Pilates workout videos.  Sure, lots of them are great, but (yes, there’s always a “but”) which one is right for what you want and need?  They’re not all the same, after all.  That’s why there are so very many of them.  Each one has a different instructor, difficulty level, routine, goal and style. The key is to make sure you find the right one for what you want from the experience.  Use some of the…

Pilates Workout Videos

Written by : CCF 01 September 2022
The internet is exploding with Pilates workout videos.  Sure, lots of them are great, but (yes, there’s always a “but”) which one is right for what you want and need?  They’re not all the same, after all.  That’s why there are so very many of them.  Each one has a different instructor, difficulty level, routine, goal and style. The key is to make sure you find the right one for what you want from the experience.  Use some of the…

Can Yoga and FASTCUT Help Your Weight Management?

Written by : CCF 01 September 2022
Yoga is a wonderful practice to help both your physical and mental health, but you may wonder whether or not it can help you to lose weight. The short answer is that a regular yoga practice, all on its own, likely won’t have a direct impact on measurable fat loss. Still, like a great diet pill like FASTCUT, it can provide your overall strategy with meaningful support.

Top 5 Yoga Workout Plans You Can Do at Home

Written by : CCF 01 September 2022
There are times when your days are so packed that you don’t know what to do with yourself. This can make it very challenging to try to fit a yoga class into your life. The classes happen whether you’re there or not and it isn’t always easy to attend. This can be a waste of money and will only bring on feelings of guilt for failing to meet your workout goals.

Top Benefits to Regularly Practicing Yoga

Written by : CCF 25 August 2022
Yoga benefits are widely known and are being increasingly documented and measured through science. Although it has been practiced for hundreds of years, it is only over the last few decades that it has started to have any kind of relevance in the Western world. That said, now that it is here, it is truly taking off. The reason is that what was once considered by Westerners to be a weird behavior of trying to tie yourself into pretzel-like knots…

Is Everything You Think About Yoga a Myth?

Written by : CCF 27 June 2022
When it comes to what most people know about yoga, the odds are that there is as much myth as there is truth mixed in with the information. Despite the fact that the practice has become very popular, there are still a surprising number of people who think that it involves tying yourself into pretzel-like knots while standing on your head.

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