Thursday, 01 September 2022 00:00

Yoga Poses to Undo Bad Posture Due to a Desk Job

Yoga poses for bad posture due to a desk job are becoming increasingly popular.  In fact, there are entire classes and videos dedicated to posture through various carefully selected asanas.  After all, working at a desk is a daily lifestyle for millions of people every day. A lot of us work at desks all day long, whether we are designing something artistic, editing video footage, writing, or keeping things organized for our boss. When we get home, we go on our computers or sit with our phones some more to check emails, pay bills, and check our social media accounts. Then we’ll hang around and watch videos to relax for the evening after a long day.


Why Our Desks Aren’t Doing Us Any Favors

All of those hours spent sitting at a desk are sure to take their toll on your back and on your posture! They’re terrible for your respiration and circulation and certainly don’t do anything for your weight management.  This type of lifestyle can feel unavoidable for many of us, but that doesn’t mean that it’s good for our health. Thankfully, there are some yoga poses to undo bad posture, and some of them are listed below. Use care when doing these poses so that you can prevent injuries, and always be gentle with your body.  If you’ve never done yoga before, or it’s been a long time since you have, it may be a good idea to consult with a doctor to be sure it is appropriate for you.

Consider These Yoga Poses for Good Posture Despite a Desk Job

These yoga poses are often considered to be the best options to correct posture issues from a desk job.  Make sure you know how to do them properly to avoid causing injury instead of correcting or preventing it.  If you’re new to yoga, think about taking an introductory class so you’ll know for certain that you’re doing the poses accurately.

Cobra Pose

Cobra pose is a great way to open the chest and shoulders so that you can change your usual slouched shape and improve your posture. All you have to do is lie on your stomach with your feet extended straight out behind you and your forehead on the floor. Bring your hands to the sides of your ribs and make sure your fingers are pointing forward. Gently begin to lift the torso off the floor as high as you can (straighten your arms when you are ready; otherwise, keep the arms bent). Keep the elbows close to the sides of the body, gaze upward or forward, and draw your shoulders back as you open the chest. Hold for five breaths and release.

Downward Dog

One of the most popular yoga poses, and one of the best yoga poses to undo bad posture, is Downward Dog. Start by getting into a plank position before pushing your butt into the air and your heels as close to the floor as you can. Keep your back as straight as you can, and gaze at your thighs to relax the neck. Your body should be forming a V shape, with your hands roughly shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-distance apart. You should start to feel the stretch in your legs and back, and you should focus on keeping the upper back broad.

Wheel Pose

Wheel pose is a more advanced posture so it may not be suitable for complete beginners. This deep backbend will help open the chest and shoulders. Start by lying on your back with your feet flat. Then place your hands by your ears so that you can lift your body off the floor, until you are holding yourself up with your hands and feet. Your body will be in an upside-down U shape, feeling the stretch across the front of your body. Gently come back down after a few breaths. With these yoga poses to undo bad posture, you can undo some of the negative effects of having a desk job and sitting for extended periods of time. And with regular practice, these poses will become easier and your back will feel a lot better. Of course, to get the most out of these poses, remember that you need to do them gently and regularly.  Moreover, to support the efforts you’re making, try to remember to get up and stretch – if not move around – as frequently as possible during the day.  Your goal should be to stand and move around every twenty minutes.  However, if that’s not possible, every bit helps.

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