Monday, 10 December 2018 00:00

Find 10 Minutes on Christmas Day and That’s All the Workout You’ll Need

When it comes to Christmas Day, it’s time to think in terms of a 10-minute workout instead of lengthier gym sessions. You may feel inclined to simply skip exercising on the big day, but if you give yourself these little gifts, you’ll find that you’ll feel much better than if you leave them aside.

The Importance of a 10-Minute Workout on Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a strange combination of being very busy and very idle. You may not be able to fit in a typical workout, but it isn't impossible for you to sneak in ten minutes here and there. Even if all you can find is a single ten-minute break, you have enough time to move around. Try to aim for at least one 10-minute workout. Ideally, you’ll enjoy two or three at various points of the day, but at least one can make a surprising difference.

Sure, you might be thinking that because it's Christmas, you have the opportunity to take the day off. You could do that if you truly wanted to. However, it's important to note that getting up and moving around a little bit at least once, if not a few times during the day can be a very good idea.

For one thing, you'll be eating a lot of food that likely wouldn't be considered to be all that healthy or weight control friendly. That said, it is also great for your energy levels and your mental health, for that matter.

Give Yourself Lots of Energy by Moving Around

If you feel yourself being drained of energy on Christmas Day, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to do a quick workout. It will get your blood flowing, your respiration going, and it will start to make you feel more alert and alive. You'll be ready to face whatever the day has in store. If you do a quick workout every time you can feel your energy waning, you'll stay on top of all the day's festivities and fun.

At the same time, these workouts will help your brain and body to produce more natural chemicals that help to keep you calm and better cope with the stresses that can come with such a busy and important day.

What Type of 10-Minute Workout Should You Do?

Here is a great 10-minute workout to fit into your Christmas Day. You don't need any special equipment to do them, and a timer is all you require to make sure you keep to the right length for each exercise.

Do the following moves for 20 seconds at a time, with 10 second rests in between. Do them for a total of two minutes each:

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Push-ups

Do the following moves for one minute each, resting for 10 seconds before starting the same move or moving on to the next exercise.

  • Wall sits
  • Planks
  • Side Leg Raises (one minute each side)
  • Warrior 2 (one minute each side)

After you've completed all these moves, you'll have a ten-minute workout behind you, and a more positive and energized Christmas Day ahead of you.

Less Structured Exercises

Once the above 10-minute workout is done, you can also include other less structured exercises into your day by simply thinking of new ways to enjoy Christmas. Have kids in the house? Why don’t you all pile outside and build a snowman, make snow angels, or even have a snowball fight behind snow walls you’ve built yourself? You’ll be shocked at how fast the time flies and how much of a workout you’ll get within any time span.

After the big meal, you may feel like sinking into the couch and staying perfectly still until bedtime, but your bloated belly will settle much more quickly if you head out for a walk around your neighborhood. In fact, you’ll feel as though the celebration has continued, only far more calmly, if you do. Go out and have a look at the Christmas lights and decorations throughout your neighborhood. Breathe the air. Enjoy the wind-down of the evening while still moving around a bit. Even a short walk can easily turn into a 10-minute workout without you even noticing it.

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