Wednesday, 12 October 2022 00:00

Top Tips to Stay Fit Over the Holidays (For Real, This Time)

Anew WW (formerly Weight Watchers) report examined the challenges in being able to stay fit over the holiday season. That report estimated that from Thanksgiving Day through New Year’s Day, the average American will gain between seven and ten pounds. It did not point out specifically whether that weight was in the form of fat or if it included water retention, but that is still a substantial difference at this time of the year.

If you want to stay fit over the holidays and avoid becoming another statistic like that one, it’s a good idea to come up with a strategy. Much of the holiday season is already behind us but there’s still time to make a difference in the changes you experience in your weight this month.

Use These Tips to Help You Stay Fit

Don’t Get Too Hungry (getting a hand from the strongest diet pills if needed)

Smart snacking can be key to avoiding overeating later on. Eat regular meals as often as you can and be prepared with the right high fiber, low cal snacks to keep hunger at bay. That will help you to keep your head in the face of lots of tempting treats and dishes at holiday parties throughout the season. When you go to festive events, have a light meal ahead of time to give yourself a great advantage. Help yourself with added energy and focus from some of the strongest diet pills if you need added support.

Keep Smart Munchies Handy

When you’re stuck shopping, cooking, wrapping, baking or doing something that can cause you to skip a meal because you can’t take a break, have snacks handy. Toss an apple or a banana into your bag and take a quick break at the mall to refuel. You’ll feel far better when you do and it will be much easier to skip the food court, keeping you on track to get fit. When you know you’ll be baking or cooking for a while, prepare your snacks first, then eat them as soon as you feel even slightly peckish. Great options include low fat cottage cheese, a piece of fruit, nuts or low-fat cheese.

Don’t Graze

It’s better to have a little plate of the appetizers and treats at a party than it is to keep nibbling throughout an evening. The little plate lets you have a look at everything you’re eating at once and creates a boundary to stop you from having too much. If you keep grazing, you’ll lose track of how much you’ve eaten and will find it much more challenging to get fit.

Prioritize Socializing

Keep your priorities straight if you want to have fun and get fit this Christmas season. Remember that you’re at the parties for the people. Sure, the occasional treat is fun, but you’re there to see people. Spend time in great conversations and let your mind focused on interactions. You’ll be far less likely to get bored and feel inclined to eat too much.

Move! That’s the Stay Fit Foundation, After All!

Even if you can’t keep up your usual routine to stay fit, promise yourself that you will move. Find alternatives.  Walk during your lunch hour. Park farther from work or from stores so you can walk a little more. Get up from your desk at work and run on the spot for a minute. If you don’t like running, try jumping jacks, burpees, or another high-intensity exercise that will get your blood flowing. Still, as much as possible, keep up your regular routine to ensure you’ll move as much as you can.

Indulge on a Schedule to Stay Fit

No holiday season can go without any indulgence. If you try, it won’t work. If you don’t control it, you’ll overdo it. Instead, put your celebrations on your calendar.  These are your designated indulgence days.  You can do so with some control, but at least you’ll know you can have some of the treats and dishes you love at this time of year. The rest of the time, remind yourself that it’s a regular day. That way, you’ll know that slight deviations from your strategy won’t cause unmanageable damage to your progress.

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