Wednesday, 12 October 2022 00:00

Keep Fit and Trim with These Nutritious Seasonal Vegetables

When it comes to nutritious seasonal vegetables, it can be difficult to believe that winter has anything to provide. After all, what grows in winter? For many of us, not a lot unless we’re importing it from a far more tropical location. Therefore, is it still possible to eat fresh produce in the winter and keep ourselves fit and trim?

You may be surprised to discover that winter has a wealth of nutritious seasonal vegetables to provide. In fact, if you indulge in these delicious healthy veggies, they’re likely to be the ones that are most appealing to you at this time of year, too. When the temperature drops, different types of foods appeal. Listening to your body regarding the types of fresh produce that appeals to you in the winter will likely naturally guide you to the right part of your grocery store.

Nutritious Seasonal Vegetables Your Body and Taste Buds Love

Stop self-sabotaging with packaged meals and start looking to the following nutritious seasonal vegetables to fill your pantry and refrigerator.


That’s right, that same veggie you were forced to eat as a child is back and adult taste buds love it. As you age, your sense of taste changes, so if you haven’t tried this among your nutritious seasonal vegetables in a while, it’s time to give it a go. It is a cruciferous veggie that is high in fiber and quite filling. It is very low in calories but packed with vitamins and minerals. You may also be surprised to hear that it contains more protein than most other vegetables. This makes is a dream vegetable to add to a healthy diet for nutrition, health and wellness, and for weight management.


A cousin of broccoli, this is also a cruciferous veggie that is exceptionally low in calories but packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and other great nutrients. This is definitely a top option among nutritious seasonal vegetables as well as one that suits weight loss very well. While you may have only had it steamed or boiled until now, try roasting it or even mashing it as a mashed potato substitute. Your opinion about this veggie is about to skyrocket.


Before you roll your eyes, give kale a chance. This dark green leafy veggie is exceptionally high in fiber, potassium, and vitamins A, B6 and C. It’s a powerhouse for your body and if you aren’t a fan of it raw or wilted in a pan, try making chips out of it in the oven. Your snack time will become delicious and highly nutritious at the same time.

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