Wednesday, 12 October 2022 00:00

Safe Functional Fitness When You’re Not in Your 20s Anymore

Safe functional fitness is an important attitude to adopt at any time of your life. That said, as you leave your twenties or even thirties, it becomes increasingly helpful. For many of us, exercising in our twenties really isn’t out of our reach provided we put our minds to it. If we’re having a hard time it’s often because we simply don’t it and don’t want to do it.

That said, a decade or two later – and beyond – exercising presents a new range of challenges. Even when we want to be fit and healthy, it’s harder to keep up with what we used to do with greater ease. It’s at this point that safe functional fitness can become a focus.

Safe Functional Fitness and Strength

It’s typically recommended that you start with a class at a gym when it comes to safe functional fitness. After all, the whole point is to use your body properly to be able to build your strength while avoiding being injured. That way, you can go about the rest of your day with improved movement in your everyday tasks.

Many CrossFit gyms are starting to add safe functional fitness to their offerings. This trend makes it possible for people to overcome some of the hurdles of having left their twenties behind them.

That creaky knee feeling, the sensation of running out of steam when carrying something up stairs (or simply climbing more than one flight at a time), or picking up something moderately heavy without pulling a muscle can be left behind when this type of workout is done frequently enough.

How to Know if You’ve Found the Right Class

One of the best ways to know if you’ve found a great gym is to pay attention to what you’ve been asked. The type of questions you’re asked will tell you a great deal about the priorities of a safe functional fitness class.

According to American College of Sports Medicine Research president and Georgia State University professor of kinesiology and health, Walt Thompson says most gyms don’t take the required time to question their clients. He said that consultations are exceptionally important to make sure the right choices are being made with the gym member.

By finding a gym that takes the time to get to know your unique fitness level, you can be sure you’re opting for a safe functional fitness class specific needs and expectations.

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